Module pipeline_dp.dp_engine

DP aggregations.

Expand source code
"""DP aggregations."""
import math
import dataclasses
import functools
from typing import Any, Callable, Tuple
import numpy as np

import pipeline_dp
from pipeline_dp import combiners
import pipeline_dp.report_generator as report_generator

import pydp.algorithms.partition_selection as partition_selection

class DataExtractors:
    """Data extractors.

    A set of functions that, given an input, return the privacy id, partition key,
    and value.

    privacy_id_extractor: Callable = None
    partition_extractor: Callable = None
    value_extractor: Callable = None

class DPEngine:
    """Performs DP aggregations."""

    def __init__(self, budget_accountant: 'BudgetAccountant',
                 backend: 'PipelineBackend'):
        self._budget_accountant = budget_accountant
        self._backend = backend
        self._report_generators = []

    def _add_report_stage(self, text):

    def aggregate(self, col, params: pipeline_dp.AggregateParams,
                  data_extractors: DataExtractors):
        """Computes DP aggregation metrics.

          col: collection with elements of the same type.
          params: specifies which metrics to compute and computation parameters.
          data_extractors: functions that extract needed pieces of information
            from elements of 'col'.
        self._check_aggregate_params(col, params, data_extractors)

        with self._budget_accountant.scope(weight=params.budget_weight):
            return self._aggregate(col, params, data_extractors)

    def _aggregate(self, col, params: pipeline_dp.AggregateParams,
                   data_extractors: DataExtractors):


        combiner = combiners.create_compound_combiner(params,

        if params.public_partitions is not None:
            col = self._drop_not_public_partitions(col,

        # Extract the columns.
        col =
            col, lambda row: (data_extractors.privacy_id_extractor(row),
            "Extract (privacy_id, partition_key, value))")
        # col : (privacy_id, partition_key, value)
        col = self._bound_contributions(col, params.max_partitions_contributed,
        # col : ((privacy_id, partition_key), accumulator)

        col = self._backend.map_tuple(col, lambda pid_pk, v: (pid_pk[1], v),
                                      "Drop privacy id")
        # col : (partition_key, accumulator)

        if params.public_partitions:
            col = self._add_empty_public_partitions(col,
        # col : (partition_key, accumulator)

        col = self._backend.combine_accumulators_per_key(
            col, combiner, "Reduce accumulators per partition key")
        # col : (partition_key, accumulator)

        if params.public_partitions is None:
            col = self._select_private_partitions_internal(
                col, params.max_partitions_contributed)
        # col : (partition_key, accumulator)

        # Compute DP metrics.
        col = self._backend.map_values(col, combiner.compute_metrics,
                                       "Compute DP` metrics")
        return col

    def _check_aggregate_params(self, col, params: pipeline_dp.AggregateParams,
                                data_extractors: DataExtractors):
        if col is None or not col:
            raise ValueError("col must be non-empty")
        if params is None:
            raise ValueError("params must be set to a valid AggregateParams")
        if not isinstance(params, pipeline_dp.AggregateParams):
            raise TypeError("params must be set to a valid AggregateParams")
        if not isinstance(params.max_partitions_contributed,
                          int) or params.max_partitions_contributed <= 0:
            raise ValueError("params.max_partitions_contributed must be set "
                             "to a positive integer")
        if not isinstance(params.max_contributions_per_partition,
                          int) or params.max_contributions_per_partition <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "params.max_contributions_per_partition must be set "
                "to a positive integer")
        needs_min_max_value = pipeline_dp.Metrics.SUM in params.metrics
        if needs_min_max_value and (params.min_value is None or
                                    params.max_value is None):
            raise ValueError(
                "params.min_value and params.max_value must be set")
        if needs_min_max_value and (
                self._not_a_proper_number(params.min_value) or
            raise ValueError(
                "params.min_value and params.max_value must be both finite numbers"
        if needs_min_max_value and params.max_value < params.min_value:
            raise ValueError(
                "params.max_value must be equal to or greater than params.min_value"
        if data_extractors is None:
            raise ValueError("data_extractors must be set to a DataExtractors")
        if not isinstance(data_extractors, pipeline_dp.DataExtractors):
            raise TypeError("data_extractors must be set to a DataExtractors")

    def _check_select_private_partitions(
            self, col, params: pipeline_dp.SelectPrivatePartitionsParams,
            data_extractors: DataExtractors):
        if col is None or not col:
            raise ValueError("col must be non-empty")
        if params is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "params must be set to a valid SelectPrivatePartitionsParams")
        if not isinstance(params, pipeline_dp.SelectPrivatePartitionsParams):
            raise TypeError(
                "params must be set to a valid SelectPrivatePartitionsParams")
        if not isinstance(params.max_partitions_contributed,
                          int) or params.max_partitions_contributed <= 0:
            raise ValueError("params.max_partitions_contributed must be set "
                             "(to a positive integer)")
        if data_extractors is None:
            raise ValueError("data_extractors must be set to a DataExtractors")
        if not isinstance(data_extractors, pipeline_dp.DataExtractors):
            raise TypeError("data_extractors must be set to a DataExtractors")

    def select_private_partitions(
            self, col, params: pipeline_dp.SelectPrivatePartitionsParams,
            data_extractors: DataExtractors):
        """Retrieves a collection of differentially-private partitions.

          col: collection with elements of the same type.
          params: parameters, see doc for SelectPrivatePartitionsParams.
          data_extractors: functions that extract needed pieces of information
            from elements of 'col'. Only privacy_id_extractor and partition_extractor are required.
            value_extractor is not required.
        self._check_select_private_partitions(col, params, data_extractors)

        max_partitions_contributed = params.max_partitions_contributed

        # Extract the columns.
        col =
            col, lambda row: (data_extractors.privacy_id_extractor(row),
            "Extract (privacy_id, partition_key))")
        # col : (privacy_id, partition_key)

        # Apply cross-partition contribution bounding
        col = self._backend.group_by_key(col, "Group by privacy_id")

        # col : (privacy_id, [partition_key])

        # Note: This may not be scalable if a single privacy ID contributes
        # to _way_ too many partitions.
        def sample_unique_elements_fn(pid_and_pks):
            pid, pks = pid_and_pks
            unique_pks = list(set(pks))
            if len(unique_pks) <= max_partitions_contributed:
                sampled_elements = unique_pks
                # np.random.choice makes casting of elements to numpy types
                # which is undesirable by 2 reasons:
                # 1. Apache Beam can not serialize numpy types.
                # 2. It might lead for losing precision (e.g. arbitrary
                # precision int is converted to int64).
                # So np.random.choice should not be applied directly to
                # 'unique_pks'. It is better to apply it to indices.
                sampled_indices = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(unique_pks)),

                sampled_elements = [unique_pks[i] for i in sampled_indices]

            return ((pid, pk) for pk in sampled_elements)

        col = self._backend.flat_map(col, sample_unique_elements_fn,
                                     "Sample cross-partition contributions")
        # col : (privacy_id, partition_key)

        # A compound accumulator without any child accumulators is used to calculate the raw privacy ID count.
        compound_combiner = combiners.CompoundCombiner([])
        col = self._backend.map_tuple(
            col, lambda pid, pk: (pk, compound_combiner.create_accumulator([])),
            "Drop privacy id and add accumulator")
        # col : (partition_key, accumulator)

        col = self._backend.combine_accumulators_per_key(
            col, compound_combiner, "Combine accumulators per partition key")
        # col : (partition_key, accumulator)

        col = self._select_private_partitions_internal(
            col, max_partitions_contributed)
        col = self._backend.keys(col,
                                 "Drop accumulators, keep only partition keys")

        return col

    def _drop_not_public_partitions(self, col, public_partitions,
                                    data_extractors: DataExtractors):
        """Drops partitions in `col` which are not in `public_partitions`."""
        col =
            col, lambda row: (data_extractors.partition_extractor(row), row),
            "Extract partition id")
        col = self._backend.filter_by_key(
            col, public_partitions, "Filtering out non-public partitions")
            f"Public partition selection: dropped non public partitions")
        return self._backend.map_tuple(col, lambda k, v: v, "Drop key")

    def _add_empty_public_partitions(self, col, public_partitions,
        """Adds empty accumulators to all `public_partitions` and returns those
        empty accumulators joined with `col`."""
            "Adding empty partitions to public partitions that are missing in "
        empty_accumulators =
            public_partitions, lambda partition_key:
            (partition_key, aggregator_fn([])), "Build empty accumulators")

        return self._backend.flatten(
            col, empty_accumulators,
            "Join public partitions with partitions from data")

    def _bound_contributions(self, col, max_partitions_contributed: int,
                             max_contributions_per_partition: int,
        """Bounds the contribution by privacy_id in and cross partitions.

          col: collection, with types of each element: (privacy_id,
            partition_key, value).
          max_partitions_contributed: maximum number of partitions that one
            privacy id can contribute to.
          max_contributions_per_partition: maximum number of records that one
            privacy id can contribute to one partition.
          aggregator_fn: function that takes a list of values and returns an
            aggregator object which handles all aggregation logic.

        return: collection with elements ((privacy_id, partition_key),
        # per partition-contribution bounding with bounding of each contribution
        col = self._backend.map_tuple(
            col, lambda pid, pk, v: ((pid, pk), v),
            "Rekey to ( (privacy_id, partition_key), value))")
        col = self._backend.sample_fixed_per_key(
            col, max_contributions_per_partition,
            "Sample per (privacy_id, partition_key)")
            f"Per-partition contribution bounding: randomly selected not "
            f"more than {max_contributions_per_partition} contributions")
        # ((privacy_id, partition_key), [value])
        col = self._backend.map_values(
            col, aggregator_fn,
            "Apply aggregate_fn after per partition bounding")
        # ((privacy_id, partition_key), accumulator)

        # Cross partition bounding
        col = self._backend.map_tuple(
            col, lambda pid_pk, v: (pid_pk[0], (pid_pk[1], v)),
            "Rekey to (privacy_id, (partition_key, "
        col = self._backend.sample_fixed_per_key(col,
                                                 "Sample per privacy_id")

            f"Cross-partition contribution bounding: randomly selected not more than "
            f"{max_partitions_contributed} partitions per user")

        # (privacy_id, [(partition_key, accumulator)])
        def unnest_cross_partition_bound_sampled_per_key(pid_pk_v):
            pid, pk_values = pid_pk_v
            return (((pid, pk), v) for (pk, v) in pk_values)

        return self._backend.flat_map(
            col, unnest_cross_partition_bound_sampled_per_key, "Unnest")

    def _select_private_partitions_internal(self, col,
                                            max_partitions_contributed: int):
        """Selects and publishes private partitions.

            col: collection, with types for each element:
                (partition_key, Accumulator)
            max_partitions_contributed: maximum amount of partitions that one privacy unit
                might contribute.

            collection of elements (partition_key, accumulator)
        budget = self._budget_accountant.request_budget(

        def filter_fn(
            budget: 'MechanismSpec', max_partitions: int,
            row: Tuple[Any,
                       combiners.CompoundCombiner.AccumulatorType]) -> bool:
            """Lazily creates a partition selection strategy and uses it to determine which
            partitions to keep."""
            pirvacy_id_count, _ = row[1]
            partition_selection_strategy = (
                    budget.eps,, max_partitions))
            return partition_selection_strategy.should_keep(pirvacy_id_count)

        # make filter_fn serializable
        filter_fn = functools.partial(filter_fn, budget,
            f"Private Partition selection: using {budget.mechanism_type.value} "
            f"method with (eps= {budget.eps}, delta = {})")

        return self._backend.filter(col, filter_fn, "Filter private partitions")

    def _not_a_proper_number(self, num):
            true if num is inf or NaN, false otherwise.
        return math.isnan(num) or math.isinf(num)


class DPEngine (budget_accountant: BudgetAccountant, backend: PipelineBackend)

Performs DP aggregations.

Expand source code
class DPEngine:
    """Performs DP aggregations."""

    def __init__(self, budget_accountant: 'BudgetAccountant',
                 backend: 'PipelineBackend'):
        self._budget_accountant = budget_accountant
        self._backend = backend
        self._report_generators = []

    def _add_report_stage(self, text):

    def aggregate(self, col, params: pipeline_dp.AggregateParams,
                  data_extractors: DataExtractors):
        """Computes DP aggregation metrics.

          col: collection with elements of the same type.
          params: specifies which metrics to compute and computation parameters.
          data_extractors: functions that extract needed pieces of information
            from elements of 'col'.
        self._check_aggregate_params(col, params, data_extractors)

        with self._budget_accountant.scope(weight=params.budget_weight):
            return self._aggregate(col, params, data_extractors)

    def _aggregate(self, col, params: pipeline_dp.AggregateParams,
                   data_extractors: DataExtractors):


        combiner = combiners.create_compound_combiner(params,

        if params.public_partitions is not None:
            col = self._drop_not_public_partitions(col,

        # Extract the columns.
        col =
            col, lambda row: (data_extractors.privacy_id_extractor(row),
            "Extract (privacy_id, partition_key, value))")
        # col : (privacy_id, partition_key, value)
        col = self._bound_contributions(col, params.max_partitions_contributed,
        # col : ((privacy_id, partition_key), accumulator)

        col = self._backend.map_tuple(col, lambda pid_pk, v: (pid_pk[1], v),
                                      "Drop privacy id")
        # col : (partition_key, accumulator)

        if params.public_partitions:
            col = self._add_empty_public_partitions(col,
        # col : (partition_key, accumulator)

        col = self._backend.combine_accumulators_per_key(
            col, combiner, "Reduce accumulators per partition key")
        # col : (partition_key, accumulator)

        if params.public_partitions is None:
            col = self._select_private_partitions_internal(
                col, params.max_partitions_contributed)
        # col : (partition_key, accumulator)

        # Compute DP metrics.
        col = self._backend.map_values(col, combiner.compute_metrics,
                                       "Compute DP` metrics")
        return col

    def _check_aggregate_params(self, col, params: pipeline_dp.AggregateParams,
                                data_extractors: DataExtractors):
        if col is None or not col:
            raise ValueError("col must be non-empty")
        if params is None:
            raise ValueError("params must be set to a valid AggregateParams")
        if not isinstance(params, pipeline_dp.AggregateParams):
            raise TypeError("params must be set to a valid AggregateParams")
        if not isinstance(params.max_partitions_contributed,
                          int) or params.max_partitions_contributed <= 0:
            raise ValueError("params.max_partitions_contributed must be set "
                             "to a positive integer")
        if not isinstance(params.max_contributions_per_partition,
                          int) or params.max_contributions_per_partition <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "params.max_contributions_per_partition must be set "
                "to a positive integer")
        needs_min_max_value = pipeline_dp.Metrics.SUM in params.metrics
        if needs_min_max_value and (params.min_value is None or
                                    params.max_value is None):
            raise ValueError(
                "params.min_value and params.max_value must be set")
        if needs_min_max_value and (
                self._not_a_proper_number(params.min_value) or
            raise ValueError(
                "params.min_value and params.max_value must be both finite numbers"
        if needs_min_max_value and params.max_value < params.min_value:
            raise ValueError(
                "params.max_value must be equal to or greater than params.min_value"
        if data_extractors is None:
            raise ValueError("data_extractors must be set to a DataExtractors")
        if not isinstance(data_extractors, pipeline_dp.DataExtractors):
            raise TypeError("data_extractors must be set to a DataExtractors")

    def _check_select_private_partitions(
            self, col, params: pipeline_dp.SelectPrivatePartitionsParams,
            data_extractors: DataExtractors):
        if col is None or not col:
            raise ValueError("col must be non-empty")
        if params is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "params must be set to a valid SelectPrivatePartitionsParams")
        if not isinstance(params, pipeline_dp.SelectPrivatePartitionsParams):
            raise TypeError(
                "params must be set to a valid SelectPrivatePartitionsParams")
        if not isinstance(params.max_partitions_contributed,
                          int) or params.max_partitions_contributed <= 0:
            raise ValueError("params.max_partitions_contributed must be set "
                             "(to a positive integer)")
        if data_extractors is None:
            raise ValueError("data_extractors must be set to a DataExtractors")
        if not isinstance(data_extractors, pipeline_dp.DataExtractors):
            raise TypeError("data_extractors must be set to a DataExtractors")

    def select_private_partitions(
            self, col, params: pipeline_dp.SelectPrivatePartitionsParams,
            data_extractors: DataExtractors):
        """Retrieves a collection of differentially-private partitions.

          col: collection with elements of the same type.
          params: parameters, see doc for SelectPrivatePartitionsParams.
          data_extractors: functions that extract needed pieces of information
            from elements of 'col'. Only privacy_id_extractor and partition_extractor are required.
            value_extractor is not required.
        self._check_select_private_partitions(col, params, data_extractors)

        max_partitions_contributed = params.max_partitions_contributed

        # Extract the columns.
        col =
            col, lambda row: (data_extractors.privacy_id_extractor(row),
            "Extract (privacy_id, partition_key))")
        # col : (privacy_id, partition_key)

        # Apply cross-partition contribution bounding
        col = self._backend.group_by_key(col, "Group by privacy_id")

        # col : (privacy_id, [partition_key])

        # Note: This may not be scalable if a single privacy ID contributes
        # to _way_ too many partitions.
        def sample_unique_elements_fn(pid_and_pks):
            pid, pks = pid_and_pks
            unique_pks = list(set(pks))
            if len(unique_pks) <= max_partitions_contributed:
                sampled_elements = unique_pks
                # np.random.choice makes casting of elements to numpy types
                # which is undesirable by 2 reasons:
                # 1. Apache Beam can not serialize numpy types.
                # 2. It might lead for losing precision (e.g. arbitrary
                # precision int is converted to int64).
                # So np.random.choice should not be applied directly to
                # 'unique_pks'. It is better to apply it to indices.
                sampled_indices = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(unique_pks)),

                sampled_elements = [unique_pks[i] for i in sampled_indices]

            return ((pid, pk) for pk in sampled_elements)

        col = self._backend.flat_map(col, sample_unique_elements_fn,
                                     "Sample cross-partition contributions")
        # col : (privacy_id, partition_key)

        # A compound accumulator without any child accumulators is used to calculate the raw privacy ID count.
        compound_combiner = combiners.CompoundCombiner([])
        col = self._backend.map_tuple(
            col, lambda pid, pk: (pk, compound_combiner.create_accumulator([])),
            "Drop privacy id and add accumulator")
        # col : (partition_key, accumulator)

        col = self._backend.combine_accumulators_per_key(
            col, compound_combiner, "Combine accumulators per partition key")
        # col : (partition_key, accumulator)

        col = self._select_private_partitions_internal(
            col, max_partitions_contributed)
        col = self._backend.keys(col,
                                 "Drop accumulators, keep only partition keys")

        return col

    def _drop_not_public_partitions(self, col, public_partitions,
                                    data_extractors: DataExtractors):
        """Drops partitions in `col` which are not in `public_partitions`."""
        col =
            col, lambda row: (data_extractors.partition_extractor(row), row),
            "Extract partition id")
        col = self._backend.filter_by_key(
            col, public_partitions, "Filtering out non-public partitions")
            f"Public partition selection: dropped non public partitions")
        return self._backend.map_tuple(col, lambda k, v: v, "Drop key")

    def _add_empty_public_partitions(self, col, public_partitions,
        """Adds empty accumulators to all `public_partitions` and returns those
        empty accumulators joined with `col`."""
            "Adding empty partitions to public partitions that are missing in "
        empty_accumulators =
            public_partitions, lambda partition_key:
            (partition_key, aggregator_fn([])), "Build empty accumulators")

        return self._backend.flatten(
            col, empty_accumulators,
            "Join public partitions with partitions from data")

    def _bound_contributions(self, col, max_partitions_contributed: int,
                             max_contributions_per_partition: int,
        """Bounds the contribution by privacy_id in and cross partitions.

          col: collection, with types of each element: (privacy_id,
            partition_key, value).
          max_partitions_contributed: maximum number of partitions that one
            privacy id can contribute to.
          max_contributions_per_partition: maximum number of records that one
            privacy id can contribute to one partition.
          aggregator_fn: function that takes a list of values and returns an
            aggregator object which handles all aggregation logic.

        return: collection with elements ((privacy_id, partition_key),
        # per partition-contribution bounding with bounding of each contribution
        col = self._backend.map_tuple(
            col, lambda pid, pk, v: ((pid, pk), v),
            "Rekey to ( (privacy_id, partition_key), value))")
        col = self._backend.sample_fixed_per_key(
            col, max_contributions_per_partition,
            "Sample per (privacy_id, partition_key)")
            f"Per-partition contribution bounding: randomly selected not "
            f"more than {max_contributions_per_partition} contributions")
        # ((privacy_id, partition_key), [value])
        col = self._backend.map_values(
            col, aggregator_fn,
            "Apply aggregate_fn after per partition bounding")
        # ((privacy_id, partition_key), accumulator)

        # Cross partition bounding
        col = self._backend.map_tuple(
            col, lambda pid_pk, v: (pid_pk[0], (pid_pk[1], v)),
            "Rekey to (privacy_id, (partition_key, "
        col = self._backend.sample_fixed_per_key(col,
                                                 "Sample per privacy_id")

            f"Cross-partition contribution bounding: randomly selected not more than "
            f"{max_partitions_contributed} partitions per user")

        # (privacy_id, [(partition_key, accumulator)])
        def unnest_cross_partition_bound_sampled_per_key(pid_pk_v):
            pid, pk_values = pid_pk_v
            return (((pid, pk), v) for (pk, v) in pk_values)

        return self._backend.flat_map(
            col, unnest_cross_partition_bound_sampled_per_key, "Unnest")

    def _select_private_partitions_internal(self, col,
                                            max_partitions_contributed: int):
        """Selects and publishes private partitions.

            col: collection, with types for each element:
                (partition_key, Accumulator)
            max_partitions_contributed: maximum amount of partitions that one privacy unit
                might contribute.

            collection of elements (partition_key, accumulator)
        budget = self._budget_accountant.request_budget(

        def filter_fn(
            budget: 'MechanismSpec', max_partitions: int,
            row: Tuple[Any,
                       combiners.CompoundCombiner.AccumulatorType]) -> bool:
            """Lazily creates a partition selection strategy and uses it to determine which
            partitions to keep."""
            pirvacy_id_count, _ = row[1]
            partition_selection_strategy = (
                    budget.eps,, max_partitions))
            return partition_selection_strategy.should_keep(pirvacy_id_count)

        # make filter_fn serializable
        filter_fn = functools.partial(filter_fn, budget,
            f"Private Partition selection: using {budget.mechanism_type.value} "
            f"method with (eps= {budget.eps}, delta = {})")

        return self._backend.filter(col, filter_fn, "Filter private partitions")

    def _not_a_proper_number(self, num):
            true if num is inf or NaN, false otherwise.
        return math.isnan(num) or math.isinf(num)


def aggregate(self, col, params: AggregateParams, data_extractors: DataExtractors)

Computes DP aggregation metrics.


collection with elements of the same type.
specifies which metrics to compute and computation parameters.
functions that extract needed pieces of information from elements of 'col'.
Expand source code
def aggregate(self, col, params: pipeline_dp.AggregateParams,
              data_extractors: DataExtractors):
    """Computes DP aggregation metrics.

      col: collection with elements of the same type.
      params: specifies which metrics to compute and computation parameters.
      data_extractors: functions that extract needed pieces of information
        from elements of 'col'.
    self._check_aggregate_params(col, params, data_extractors)

    with self._budget_accountant.scope(weight=params.budget_weight):
        return self._aggregate(col, params, data_extractors)
def select_private_partitions(self, col, params: SelectPrivatePartitionsParams, data_extractors: DataExtractors)

Retrieves a collection of differentially-private partitions.


collection with elements of the same type.
parameters, see doc for SelectPrivatePartitionsParams.
functions that extract needed pieces of information from elements of 'col'. Only privacy_id_extractor and partition_extractor are required. value_extractor is not required.
Expand source code
def select_private_partitions(
        self, col, params: pipeline_dp.SelectPrivatePartitionsParams,
        data_extractors: DataExtractors):
    """Retrieves a collection of differentially-private partitions.

      col: collection with elements of the same type.
      params: parameters, see doc for SelectPrivatePartitionsParams.
      data_extractors: functions that extract needed pieces of information
        from elements of 'col'. Only privacy_id_extractor and partition_extractor are required.
        value_extractor is not required.
    self._check_select_private_partitions(col, params, data_extractors)

    max_partitions_contributed = params.max_partitions_contributed

    # Extract the columns.
    col =
        col, lambda row: (data_extractors.privacy_id_extractor(row),
        "Extract (privacy_id, partition_key))")
    # col : (privacy_id, partition_key)

    # Apply cross-partition contribution bounding
    col = self._backend.group_by_key(col, "Group by privacy_id")

    # col : (privacy_id, [partition_key])

    # Note: This may not be scalable if a single privacy ID contributes
    # to _way_ too many partitions.
    def sample_unique_elements_fn(pid_and_pks):
        pid, pks = pid_and_pks
        unique_pks = list(set(pks))
        if len(unique_pks) <= max_partitions_contributed:
            sampled_elements = unique_pks
            # np.random.choice makes casting of elements to numpy types
            # which is undesirable by 2 reasons:
            # 1. Apache Beam can not serialize numpy types.
            # 2. It might lead for losing precision (e.g. arbitrary
            # precision int is converted to int64).
            # So np.random.choice should not be applied directly to
            # 'unique_pks'. It is better to apply it to indices.
            sampled_indices = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(unique_pks)),

            sampled_elements = [unique_pks[i] for i in sampled_indices]

        return ((pid, pk) for pk in sampled_elements)

    col = self._backend.flat_map(col, sample_unique_elements_fn,
                                 "Sample cross-partition contributions")
    # col : (privacy_id, partition_key)

    # A compound accumulator without any child accumulators is used to calculate the raw privacy ID count.
    compound_combiner = combiners.CompoundCombiner([])
    col = self._backend.map_tuple(
        col, lambda pid, pk: (pk, compound_combiner.create_accumulator([])),
        "Drop privacy id and add accumulator")
    # col : (partition_key, accumulator)

    col = self._backend.combine_accumulators_per_key(
        col, compound_combiner, "Combine accumulators per partition key")
    # col : (partition_key, accumulator)

    col = self._select_private_partitions_internal(
        col, max_partitions_contributed)
    col = self._backend.keys(col,
                             "Drop accumulators, keep only partition keys")

    return col
class DataExtractors (privacy_id_extractor: Callable = None, partition_extractor: Callable = None, value_extractor: Callable = None)

Data extractors.

A set of functions that, given an input, return the privacy id, partition key, and value.

Expand source code
class DataExtractors:
    """Data extractors.

    A set of functions that, given an input, return the privacy id, partition key,
    and value.

    privacy_id_extractor: Callable = None
    partition_extractor: Callable = None
    value_extractor: Callable = None

Class variables

var partition_extractor : Callable
var privacy_id_extractor : Callable
var value_extractor : Callable